5 important online video tips you don’t miss.

Posted on : September 5, 2024


How to Market Your Business Through Online Video?

If you ever saw a successful business, have you ever wondered how that business can gather so much attention? Advertisement and marketing strategy are your answers. Using platforms like Vimeo and YouTube, you can publish videos online with just a click. There are a few tips on how to effectively promote business through online videos. First and foremost, you can stream live in order to connect with your viewers. For example, you can promote your products during the live so the people that are currently watching will know what kind of products you want to sell, and this will increase the possibility to gain potential customers. Secondly, if you have a website, then you can embed online videos anywhere on your website so that users who visit your website can watch the video to learn more about the products and services provided. Last but not least, create a video marketing hub. Creating this hub can provide a professional-looking homepage for your company to make it easy to organize all the video marketing assets.

What Industries Absolutely Need It?

Industrial Business & Corporate Sector

Business Website – How to choose the best web design company

Unlock your corporate videos, showcase, product promotion video, service promotion video through the company website to the potential customer over the word, you can add your own branding from the video player area.

Usually as an expert web design company will propose how structuring & integrate among the business website & video hosting for you.

Online Influence Sector

Youtubers and influencers rely heavily on online videos as it was their source of income and also the way to connect with their fans

Online/Digital Marketing Sector

Every company needs to continuously market its products or services by publishing an attractive-looking advertisement in order to gain more customers and generate more sales.

Education Sector

Due to the pandemic, most classes are conducted online. Educational activity such as seminar, tuition, tutorial and others can be published through online videos.

Event Management Sector

Thanks to the advancement of technology, display models can now be places in the online dimensions. People can now do a tour like visiting the Online Viewing Room and it will feel almost the same as visiting galleries and museums.

Telecommunication Sector

This sector consists of companies that transmit data in words, voice, video or audio across the globe. Thus, online video hosting is important for telecommunication industry in order to provide services to customers.

Entertainment Sector

Entertainment industries such as Netflix and Astro (which offers Astro on Demand) are focused on providing movies, shows and series for the subscribers who paid monthly fees to the mentioned companies.

Why Need Video Hosting?

Online video hosting makes the video available in a lot of places while still give the power to control them from one dashboard. Viewers can access the video by visiting the host website directly.

Here are some of the benefits of a video hosting platform:

  1. Branding

All the videos is allow you to white label from the video player & video frame so that can keep user eye on your brand.

  • Great viewing experience

By hosting video, visual quality can be improved as it adjusts to people’s devices and provides a controllable video player.

  • Time-saving

Most of the hard work of uploading videos can be done automatically by hosting services. They can automatically encode the video and compress it if necessary, making it accessible on a variety of devices.

  • High availability

Hosting services are able to replicate video across multiple data centers across the world, allowing it to be seen in multiple places at the same time.

  • Security and Privacy

Video hosting platforms provide security and privacy. For example, video hosting platform prevent your video from being pirated easily as it provides variety of measures for protection. That way, your videos will be safe from being misused by third party.

  • Company Firewall

There is a ton of companies’ firewalls are blocking all those free offering platform, so the audience might miss out of your promotional video all times, and you will also lost the sales lead and it also reflect to the sales leads.

  • Grow

Online video continues to grow rapidly in popularity. Nearly half of people globally (47 percent) added streaming services over the past six months. This is a good opportunity for a business to find more customers and generate profits by using video hosting platform.

Comparison Chart Professional Video Hosting

TitleProfessional Video HostingFree offering platform
(YouTube & etc)
Video editing toolYesYes
Review and approvalYesNo
Private team projectsYesNo
Embed anywhereYesYes
Add your brand logoYesNo
Private link sharingYesYes
Password protectionYesNo
Private team projectsYesNo
Review & approval toolsYesNo
Publish natively to social media platformYesYes
Analytics & Social statsYesNo
Sell your videos directly to fans worldwideYesNo

Who Are Watching Online Videos?

Anyone can watch online videos starting from children, teenagers, adults and even senior citizens for different purposes. Below are the activities of video hosting by each age demography:

  • Children

Children aged from 6 to 12 years old usually use video hosting for entertainment purposes. For example, most children use video hosting to watch cartoons and kids show.

  • Teenagers

Teenagers aged from 13 to 17 years old use video hosting for entertainment and educational purpose. For instance, they can watch online videos about an explanation of a topic in one of the school subjects to obtain clear understanding.

  • Adults

In their free time, adults are most likely to use video hosting to entertain themselves or find additional information. To illustrate, they normally watch latest news and viral videos.

  • Senior citizens

Since most seniors are already retired from their job, some of them spent their free time likes to watch videos from news and information channels.

What Is the Turn Data of Online Video and User?

Statistic of U.S Internet users who use YouTube as of 3rd quarter 2020 by age group

According to the bar chart below, it was found that 77 percent of U.S. Internet users aged from 15 to 25 years old are the most active users on YouTube. This is probably because Internet users in this range of age are more familiar with technology more than other generations. They seldom spend their time on YouTube doing activities like listening to music, watching drama and many more. Thus, this makes the heaviest watchers of online videos goes to Internet users aged from 15 to 25 years old.

Statistic of Weekly Time Spent with Online Video Worldwide 2020

online video hourly usage statistic 2020

According to an online video viewer survey conducted in August 2020 across a number of nations, 27.2 percent of internet viewers watch more than 10 hours of online video every week. Overall, only 20.6 percent of those polled watched one to two hours of internet video per week.

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