
What is the overall website development process?

September 5, 2024
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Normally for a web design firm have four Ds methodology for the website development process, which are discovery, design, develop and deploy Discovery is more about strategy understanding about your business, your client and what are you trying to achieve and bringing all that into design. In design, where we start to plan and come…

The Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Role of a Full Stack Developer

August 7, 2023
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What Does a Full Stack Developer Do? A full stack developer is a technical expert who can work on both the front-end (client-side) and the back-end (server-side) of a web application. This means they can handle projects that involve databases, building user-facing websites, or even work with clients during the planning phase of projects. A…

What Web Developers Do: Powering the Digital World

June 22, 2023
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Whether you’re scrolling through your favorite social media platform, ordering takeout from an online restaurant, or conducting a video conference meeting, you’re benefitting from the work of web developers. They design, create, and maintain the websites we depend on every day. Front-end, Back-end, and Full Stack Development Web development can be broken down into three…